We gather together each week to pause and turn our attention to God with the hopeful expectation of encountering God’s holy presence. We sing, pray, and listen. We give voice to what God is doing in our lives and in the world. We respond to God as we feel led. On the first Sunday of each month, we share communion as a reminder of the depth of Jesus’ love for humanity.

You can join us in person and online via Zoom.
Zoom Online Worship Info
Please note: The Zoom meeting link is the same every week! In the event that you do not receive an email with the worship information for the current Sunday, any previous email with the Zoom link will still give you access to the Zoom meeting. Please save the link address below. There have been intermittent internet outages in our neighborhood recently, so we may experience problems and interruptions on Sunday with our worship live stream. Thank you for your understanding!
Click the link below to join Zoom meeting or copy and paste the link below into your browser and enter the password. If you have an issue with the link, there are 2 other ways to join:
1.) Open the zoom application on your device. Enter the meeting ID.
Once that has been accepted, enter the meeting password.
2.) Go to https://zoom.us/ Click on join a meeting at the top right.
Enter the meeting ID. Once that has been accepted, enter the meeting password.
Please remember to mute yourself when entering the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 985 4677 8849 Password: 197152
Zoom Meeting ID: 985 4677 8849 Password: 197152